Parent Trustee Vacancy
If you are interested in applying for the role, please complete the candidate form attached to the letter below, along with any relevant skills that could support your application and return it to Chris Shaw at C.Shaw@smithillsschool.net or the school.
Click Here to read the letter.
Leader of Pedagogy in Mathematics
SALARY: Teachers Pay Scale plus TLR2A £8279 PA
CLOSING DATE: 9.00am on Tuesday 22nd April 2025
INTERVIEW DATE: To be confirmed
START DATE: September 2025 or earlier if possible
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, highly motivated and inspirational Leader of Pedagogy to join an excellent, supportive and well-resourced Mathematics department. This post is suitable for an experienced teacher wishing to lead a team and ensure a high standard of teaching, learning and achievement.
You will be a reflective classroom practitioner with the ability to work effectively within a team environment and able to enthuse, inspire and motivate pupils.
The successful candidate will be:
an exceptional practitioner with strong subject knowledge and experience of raising achievement across the age and ability range.
highly motivated by a belief that the life chances of all young people can be improved.
a well-qualified, industrious and talented team player who believes in lifelong learning and can help pupils develop the skills and attitudes they will need in their future lives.
an experienced teacher who possesses the talent, interpersonal skills and range of pedagogical approaches necessary to contribute to the overall success of the staff and team.
an experienced leader who can demonstrate a strong track record of positive impact to date.
mentally tough and someone who embraces challenges.
Our school is a community and we are proud of that. We are a friendly and professional team who are united in our vision of ‘Success for All’. Please refer to the application pack to see what we can offer you and for details of dates and times when you can visit our school.
Please return completed applications to HR@smithillsschool.net
CVs and late applications will not be accepted.
Smithills School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful candidates are subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
For further details of the role and to access the application form please see below:
Teacher of Science
SALARY: Teachers Pay Scale
CLOSING DATE: 9.00am on Wednesday 23rd April 2025
INTERVIEW DATE: To be confirmed
START DATE: September 2025
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, highly motivated and inspirational teacher to join our excellent, supportive and well-resourced Science department. This post is suitable for an experienced teacher wishing to join a team who ensure a high standard of teaching, learning and achievement.
You will be a reflective classroom practitioner with the ability to work effectively within a team environment and able to enthuse, inspire and motivate pupils.
The successful candidate will be:
an exceptional practitioner with strong subject knowledge.
highly motivated by a belief that the life chances of all young people can be improved
a well-qualified, industrious and talented team player who believes in lifelong learning and who can support pupils to develop the skills and attitudes they need in their future lives.
a teacher who possesses the talent, interpersonal skills and range of pedagogical approaches necessary to contribute to the overall success of the staff and team.
mentally tough and someone who embraces challenges.
Our school is a community and we are proud of that. We are a friendly and professional team who are united in our vision of ‘Success for All’. Please refer to the application pack to see what we can offer you and for details of dates and times when you can visit our school.
Please return completed applications to HR@smithillsschool.net
CVs and late applications will not be accepted.
Smithills School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful candidates are subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
For further details of the role and to access the application form please see below:
Key Stage 3 Lead in English
SALARY: Teachers Pay Scale plus TLR2C £3,391
CLOSING DATE: 9.00am on Wednesday 23rd April 2025
INTERVIEW DATE: To be confirmed
START DATE: September 2025
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, highly motivated and inspirational teacher to join our excellent, supportive and well-resourced English department. This post is suitable for an experienced teacher wishing to join a team who ensure a high standard of teaching, learning and achievement.
You will be a reflective classroom practitioner with the ability to work effectively within a team environment and able to enthuse, inspire and motivate pupils.
The successful candidate will be:
an exceptional practitioner with strong subject knowledge.
highly motivated by a belief that the life chances of all young people can be improved
a well-qualified, industrious and talented team player who believes in lifelong learning and who can support pupils to develop the skills and attitudes they need in their future lives.
a teacher who possesses the talent, interpersonal skills and range of pedagogical approaches necessary to contribute to the overall success of the staff and team.
mentally tough and someone who embraces challenges.
Our school is a community and we are proud of that. We are a friendly and professional team who are united in our vision of ‘Success for All’. Please refer to the application pack to see what we can offer you and for details of dates and times when you can visit our school.
Please return completed applications to HR@smithillsschool.net
CVs and late applications will not be accepted.
Smithills School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful candidates are subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
For further details of the role and to access the application form please see below:
Key Stage 4 Lead in English
SALARY: Teachers Pay Scale plus TLR2C £3,391
CLOSING DATE: 9.00am on Wednesday 23rd April 2025
INTERVIEW DATE: To be confirmed
START DATE: September 2025
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, highly motivated and inspirational teacher to join our excellent, supportive and well-resourced English department. This post is suitable for an experienced teacher wishing to join a team who ensure a high standard of teaching, learning and achievement.
You will be a reflective classroom practitioner with the ability to work effectively within a team environment and able to enthuse, inspire and motivate pupils.
The successful candidate will be:
an exceptional practitioner with strong subject knowledge.
highly motivated by a belief that the life chances of all young people can be improved
a well-qualified, industrious and talented team player who believes in lifelong learning and who can support pupils to develop the skills and attitudes they need in their future lives.
a teacher who possesses the talent, interpersonal skills and range of pedagogical approaches necessary to contribute to the overall success of the staff and team.
mentally tough and someone who embraces challenges.
Our school is a community and we are proud of that. We are a friendly and professional team who are united in our vision of ‘Success for All’. Please refer to the application pack to see what we can offer you and for details of dates and times when you can visit our school.
Please return completed applications to HR@smithillsschool.net
CVs and late applications will not be accepted.
Smithills School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful candidates are subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
For further details of the role and to access the application form please see below:
Re-Integration Manager
WORKING HOURS: 8am – 4pm Monday to THURSDAY 8AM - 3.30pm Friday
SALARY: Grade F Points 17 to 23 £30,060 to 33,366 Per Annum PRO RATA
Actual Salary approx. £25,731 - £28,561
CLOSING DATE: Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 9.00am
INTERVIEW DATE: Friday 4th April 2025
We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic and well qualified candidate to co-ordinate a school-based centre working with a small number of students who have been excluded on a fixed-term basis. You will maintain a disciplined and controlled environment in which students complete a set package of work as part of their re-integration process and liaise with subject, pastoral, behaviour and learning support staff and external agencies, if appropriate, to plan individual study units of work for students in the centre.
You will have the ability to provide effective support during learning activities through use of appropriate strategies to motivate and challenge students and the ability to deal with and respond calmly and promptly to incidents, safeguarding issues and challenging behaviour, in accordance with role and responsibilities. You will be able to communicate effectively with young people and adults, adapting communications styles and approaches to individual needs, abilities and situations.
Our school is a community and we are proud of that. We are a friendly and professional team who are united in our vision of ‘Success for All’. Please refer to the application pack to see what we can offer you and for details of dates and times when you can visit our school.
Please return completed applications to HR@smithillsschool.net
CVs and late applications will not be accepted
Smithills School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful candidates are subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
For further details of the role and to access the application form please see below:
A pré-selecção dos candidatos será normalmente elaborada no prazo de quatro semanas a contar da data de encerramento e estes serão informados da hora e da data das entrevistas assim que a pré-selecção estiver concluída.
No interesse da economia, não podemos reconhecer as inscrições a menos que um envelope endereçado e selado seja incluído. Se você não tiver uma resposta dentro de quatro semanas, assuma que nesta ocasião sua inscrição foi sem sucesso.
Seja qual for o resultado, agradecemos o seu interesse.