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Bem-vindo à Smithills School, uma comunidade feliz e bem-sucedida onde cada aluno é reconhecido como um indivíduo e onde buscamos que todos atinjam seu potencial. Acreditamos que cada criança tem um talento e pode experimentar o sucesso à medida que se torna um jovem adulto por meio do ambiente de apoio e carinho que oferecemos.





A Escola é antes de tudo um lugar de aprendizagem onde os alunos se sentem seguros e desfrutam de sua jornada educacional.


A aprendizagem está no centro de tudo o que fazemos dentro e fora da sala de aula e com tantas oportunidades na Smithills School, sentimos que seu filho vai florescer aqui conosco.

Na Smithills School, respeitamos os valores tradicionais de trabalho duro, boas maneiras e autodisciplina, enquanto também preparamos nossos alunos para suas vidas futuras em um mundo em constante mudança. Nós nos beneficiamos de uma equipe dedicada e bem qualificada que dá vida ao aprendizado do século 21 para cada indivíduo.


Então, por que procurar um lugar para seu filho na Smithills School?


Orgulhamo-nos do nosso ambiente familiar, do facto de os alunos se sentirem seguros e cuidados e de sabermos que, através do inquérito aos nossos alunos, continuam a sentir-se apoiados. Como pai, você agora se depara com a decisão muito importante sobre qual escola é melhor para seu filho. Embora nos esforcemos para incluir todas essas informações de que você precisará em nosso prospecto, acreditamos firmemente que você não pode descobrir se esta escola é adequada para seu filho simplesmente pela documentação ou por uma Noite Aberta. Há apenas uma maneira de experimentar e apreciar plenamente o que nossa Escola tem a oferecer e é visitar durante um dia normal de aula. Por isso, convido você a entrar em contato conosco para agendar uma visita ou para responder a quaisquer outras perguntas que possa ter.

Por favor, não hesite em nos contatar sobre qualquer aspecto de transferência ou admissão. Estou ansioso para trabalhar com você e seu filho nos próximos anos.


Sr. Sidebottom


Mensagem de boas-vindas do vídeo do Sr. Sidebottom 2022/23

Dear Year 7

Welcome to Smithills School.  We are thrilled to have you join our school community and are excited to embark on this new journey with you. Starting secondary school is a significant milestone and we are here to support you every step of the way.

As you enter year 7, you will discover a world of new opportunities, experiences and challenges. This is the time to explore new subjects, develop new skills and make new friends. Our dedicated staff are committed to helping you succeed academically, socially and personally. We believe in your potential and are here to guide you as you navigate this exciting new chapter.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on the right foot:

  1. Be open to new experiences: secondary school offers a variety of subjects, clubs and activities. Take advantage of these opportunities to explore your interests and discover new passions.


   2. Stay organised: keeping track of your assignments, homework and activities will help you to manage your time             effectively and stay on top of your responsibilities.


   3. Ask for help: if you ever feel unsure about something or need assistance, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers,                 classmates or support staff.


   4. Make new friends: be open to meeting new people and forming new friendships. Joining clubs and                           participating in school activities are great ways to connect with others who share your interests.


   5. Be yourself: secondary school is place where you can grow and develop your unique talents and personality.             Be proud of who you are and strive to be the best version of yourself.


We understand that starting secondary school can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming.  Please know that you are not alone.  Our wonderful staff are here to support you and ensure that your transition is smooth and enjoyable. 


We look forward to seeing you grow, learn and thrive during your time at Smithills School. This is the beginning of an incredible journey and we are honoured to be part of it with you.

Once again welcome to Smithills School. We can’t wait to see all that you will achieve in the years to come.


Warm regards


Miss Dewse


Transition Evening 2024

Click on the picture below to view the presentation from Transition Evening.

Videos from Transition Evening 2024.

Dear Year Six child,


I am writing to you from Smithills School to tell you about the transition from year 6 to 7 and my experience when I first came. Firstly, when you first come in on your first day, you will go into the assembly hall where you will be told what form you are in and where to sit. When everything is settled down you will have an assembly led by Miss Dewse (the headteacher) and Mrs Scholefield (Your director of learning). Once the assembly has finished, you will be taken by your form tutor to your form room which will be where you come to every morning. One of the things I was worried about was getting lost but once you know the routine you will get used to it. For example, say you have a lesson in W21, the W stands for west block, which is in the upper building, the 2 means the second floor and the 1 means the first classroom. So, it is the first classroom on the second floor in the west block. Another thing that is important is that on Monday mornings, you do NOT go to your form room, you go to the assembly hall for assembly apart from during the exam season where your assembly will be in the Sports hall. Something you can look forward to are extra curriculum clubs and the last week when it is a fun week, where you go on inflatables, trips and have a sports day.


I hope you are looking forward to joining Smithills and I hope you are looking forward to the things I have told you about.


Kindest Regards,


Oscar Wright



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