Revision Techniques
Targeted Practise
Practise along with educational videos, such as GCSEPod (Click on the GCSEPod logo below). For some people, watching videos is more engaging than reading. If you’re one of those people. Make sure you actively take notes or practice questions while the video is running. This will prevent your mind from wandering.

Flash Cards
Create flashcards to chunk information into small sections. You can use ‘read, cover, write, check’ to test your knowledge. To do this, you should read your information, cover it up, say the information out loud, write the information out again and then check to see if your information is correct. Correct any errors and repeat the process.

Complete past papers
Under timed conditions, without your notes! There are only a limited number of past papers available online for your subject and exam board, so you should only attempt past papers when you think you’re ready to do so. But, when you do, this is the best possible way of testing yourself and preparing yourself for the exam.

Repeat, repeat, repeat
Repetition is how you create long-term memories.
By testing and re-resting yourself, you will identify areas that you need to improve on. Focus on those areas and repeat your revision for those tricky topics, this time using different revision strategies.

Parents – Your Role
Set a routine of study at home:
Ask your child about their revision timetable
Ensure there is a quiet area conducive to work
Ensure that phone, games console, computer, TV time
is limited – the internet is not always required for revision!

Monitor your child’s social life:
When are they allowed out?
What are they doing at weekends and holidays?
Ensure they have a good sleep pattern
Monitor and set limits around their social media
Support school rules:
Ensure your child comes to school on time and every day
Ensure your child comes to school in the correct uniform
Ensure your child completes their homework to a good standard
Communicate with your child’s tutor if any problems arise
Support our conduct and behaviour codes both in and out of school