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Outdoor Reading


At Smithills’ School we know that nurturing a love of reading supports pupils learning, development and mental well-being. Reading a variety of books from authors of different backgrounds and experiences will help our pupils to develop into successful, powerful and intelligent communicators. Reading for pleasure also helps pupils to develop a wider social and cultural capital – that is to say, a knowledge of events and experiences outside of their own immediate circles.

Our 16-before-16 programme is designed to spark a lifelong love of literature and creative writing within our pupils. The list of 16 books for our pupils to have read before their 16th birthday has been carefully curated to include classics from the literary canon from authors like Alice Walker, Agatha Christie and JD Salinger, as well as more contemporary writers in a range of genre like Genki Kawamura, Mark Haddon and James Patterson, so there is plenty on this list for all our pupils.

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Pupils earn points towards their 100 Club status, along with extra opportunities `to earn entries into our regular rewards trips and Director of Learning prizes every half term by reading material from our 16-Before-16 list. When pupils go the extra mile and complete the Reading List for the year, we will reward them further with a book of their choice!


Additionally, we are proud to offer our Session 0 Reading Programme, offering pupils the chance to get to grips with contemporary and classic literature linked with our school ethos of community, excellence and independence – each of these books has been specially selected as an enjoyable, page-turning class read with deep and engaging social contexts to promote British Values.


Our teachers use core strategies to encourage sustained, voluntary reading such as:


  • Modelling reading aloud with fluency regularly, including in class and Session 0

  • Providing the time for reading across curriculum

  • Creating a sociable, zen reading environment at The Hive

  • Creating a reading culture where books are regularly discussed among peers and adults

  • Encouraging use of our library The Hive and Bolton public library

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