Abbiamo tenuto la nostra serata di assunzione mercoledì 13 luglio, per tutti i genitori e tutori degli alunni che iniziano con noi a settembre 2022.
Fare clic sull'immagine in PowerPoint qui sotto per scaricare e visualizzare.

Adam has always been keen to fundraise, climbing Kilimanjaro, running the London marathon, walking on hot coals and raising money for 30 defibrillators for his hometown.
Adam is a motivational speaker, public speaking coach, event host, and presenter. Adams Enterprise Days are all about helping pupils reach for the stars.
At the start of the day, Adam gave a motivational speech to make sure that students were fully energised and ready for the challenge and then put them into groups to create their ideas.
Pupils came up with a product or business service idea, and this will help to develop better communication and leadership skills. This will also equip pupils with entrepreneurial skills, time management, investment ideas and opportunities.
Students learned the key points of business packages to present to judges at the end of the enterprise day in a Dragons Den Style pitch along with awards and appraisal prizes and trophies.